Friday, 11 July 2014



For the rest of the semester, students will concentrate on designing a contemporary market-place 
within an urban infill site. The design of the building is to consist of appropriate architectural 
responses that address the aspects of the urban street context and user behavioural patterns as 
discerned and analysed in the Preliminary Studies. 

Objectives of Project 
1. To take into consideration key aspects of urban design and context in relation to architecture 
2. To develop an awareness and basic compliance to Design Codes and Statutory Requirements 
3. To emphasize the importance of elevational context and composition in developing architectural design 
4. To implement and explore the conceptual, schematic and design development phases in an architectural design project 

Learning Outcomes of this Project 
1. Produce a design outcome for an urban contemporary market-place is site-specific through its 
formal, cultural, legislative, structural and environmental design responses 
2. Apply basic knowledge of urban architectural typologies, infill design strategies and market-place 
3. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and awareness of design codes and regulations 
4. Design within the constraints of feasibility and in response to basic design codes and statutory requirements 
5. Utilise study models, diagramming, mapping, orthographic plan-section and elevational studies to 
explore and resolve relevant spatial, structural, functional and environmental issues in the design 
development phase 
6. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), models and presentations to verbally and visually 
communicate architectural ideas and scheme. 

Design Studio Final Project Contemporary Urban Market Place (Art Market) 



Module Teaching Objectives
1. To further students’ understanding of application of building science as a tool to maintain human comfort whilst reducing the environmental impact of construction, with emphasis on energy efficiency and energy-saving by integrating day lighting into lighting design (PSALI).
2. To introduce Day lighting, artificial lighting and architectural acoustics, including various methods and strategies to introduce day lighting into buildings and various types of artificial light sources.
3. Students are also introduced to designing rooms or spaces that are acoustically compatible with proper control of air and structure-borne noise impact.

Module Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize the relevance of design implications on the acoustic and lighting environments.
2. Explain the terminologies used in architectural acoustics and lighting.
3. Describe design of spaces free from glare, lit with proper selection of light sources, including day lighting strategies that can be applied to designs to create more sustainable designs.
4. Exemplify suitable light sources to create intended or desired ambiance.
5. Calculate the required amounts of external opening required to provide adequate internal illumination levels for simple designs and apply knowledge to creatively introduce daylight into interior spaces without bringing in heat.
6. Design simple acoustically-compatible spaces that enhance sound qualities in spaces while exploring noise reduction method to achieve required reverberation time.

Project 1 [Lighting & Acoustic Performance Evaluation and Design] 

Objectives of Assignment 
1. To understand the day-lighting & lighting and acoustic characteristics & acoustic requirement in a suggested space. 
2. To determine the characteristics and function of day-lighting & artificial lighting and sound & acoustic within the intended space. 
3. To critically report and analyse the space. 
Learning Outcomes 
1. Able to produce a complete documentation on analysis of space in relation to lighting requirement 
eg. natural and artificial lighting. (Pictures, sketches and drawing) and analysis of factors which 
effects the lighting design of a space. 
2. Explore and apply understanding of building physic eg. Lighting towards building / construction 
technology and building materials on existing building projects. 
3. Able to evaluate and explore the improvisation by using current material and technology in 
relevance to present construction industry 
4. Basic understanding and analysis of lighting layout and arrangements by using certain methods or 
calculations eg. Lumen method and PSALI. 
5. Basic understanding and analysis of acoustic design layout and arrangements by using certain 
methods or calculations eg. Reverberation time and sound transmission coefficient. 

lab report for lighting

 lab report for acoustics

Project 2 Integrated with Design Studio 5 Lighting & Acoustics in Design



Module Teaching Objectives 

1. To develop analytical and critical research of principles, practices and details of construction technology in the process of documentation. 
Module Learning Outcomes 
1. Identify and collect relevant research data. 
2. Explain a set of architectural and structural documentation. 
3. Relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction. 
4. Analyse and document construction methods and materials 
5. Evaluate existing construction system and detailing of the selected project. 
6. Critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, codes of practice, process of assembly, and detailing. 
7. Critique issues pertaining to energy efficiency, embodied energy as well as ecological impact. 
8. Generate alternative construction solutions by means of sketches and drawings. 


Objectives of Project 
 1. To encourage analytical and critical study of the principles, practices and details of construction technology in the existing building. 
2. To encourage students to explore alternative construction systems 
3. To adapt and implement the alternative construction systems into the students’ design. 
4. To develop the students’ skills in producing working drawings. 
Learning Outcomes of this Project 
 1. Identify and collect relevant research data. 
2. Explain a set of architectural and structural documentation. 
3. Relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction. 
4. Analyse and document construction methods and materials 




Objectives of Project 
 1. To develop students’ understanding in different types of IBS construction method. 
 2. To apply appropriate IBS construction method in the production of a model for a specific building. 
 3. To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction process through model making. 
 4. To develop students’ understanding in matters related to energy efficiency and ecological impact. 
 5. To foster good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and also  a proper academic report. 

Learning Outcomes of this Project 
 1. Identify and collect relevant research data. 
 2. Evaluate existing construction system and detailing of the selected project. 
 3. Critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, process of assembly and 
 4. Critique issues pertaining to energy efficiency, embodied energy as well as ecological impact.